Project 365, Days 321-330

Day 321: Doctor Who marathon continues. I love this episode. It’s so sad.

Day 322: Never leave cookies on the table when going to work. They will be destroyed by a puppy by the time you get home.

Day 323: Why is there a slice of cucumber on the floor?

Day 324: Greg has been working on growing his mustache. I admit, I didn’t take this picture because he’s in Chicago, but I’m using it anyway

Day 325: We made a quick trip to Chicago to pick up Greg’s car.

Day 326: Other random things found on my floor: my reading glasses. Not sure who to blame for this, but Nala is one of the possibilities

Day 327: She loves to be near me. Her bed is right by my computer so she will curl up and wait for me to be done.

Day 328: This guy is part of our store’s pick up today Halloween decor

Day 329: Some of my co-workers like me. Sometimes they buy me stuff to keep me happy

Day 330: Our neighbors are burning their leaves and the very thick smoke is filling our yard and our house. It’s becoming impossible to breathe.

Project 365, Days 241-250

Day 241: All tired out (finally) after playing hard

Day 242: A dark, dreary, stormy type of day on the lake

Day 243: I managed to tire her out again. That’s not easy to do. Nala is a very active puppy

Day 244: Work tonight meant pushing carts because we were understaffed again.

Day 245: Lunch date today. Greg picked me up for lunch while I was working. We went to Panda Express.

Day 246: And, again, pushing carts.

Day 247: A lazy Sunday and we ended up at Vines and Rushes Winery in Ripon for a little wine tasting.

Day 248: Monday is softball night. We usually go to watch our church softball teams play.

Day 249: I actually ate healthy at work today. It’s so easy to just grab something at the deli that is fried or fatty.

Day 250: I took the day off of work to go to the night air show at EAA Airventure. We saw one plane and then it started raining and storming. The show was cancelled.

Project 365, Days 41-50

41) Watch me grow. Nala is now 4 months old and getting bigger everyday, although half of her size is probably fur.

42) The result of playing with Nala–small cuts and bites where she misses the target she’s aiming for and ends up grabbing my hand instead of her toy.

43) Would anybody really buy these and wear them? They don’t look very manly to me

44) I had a little fun with Snapchat filters to welcome the new year. Happy 2018 everybody.

45) We finally had our turkey dinner. Due to a series of unfortunate events, turkey never happened on Thanksgiving. I promised Greg that I would make turkey before he goes to college. Since that is only 3 days away and I didn’t have to work today, today was turkey day.

46) Only I could break a nail while locking the bathroom stall door at work.

47) New nails. I love these. Definitely one of my favorites.

48) We brought Greg to college today, Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. This is the view from his dorm room.

49) Unlike Greg’s great view, this is my view today. Doing CBLs at work. In other words, trying to stay awake while learning about fire extinguishers and other safety issues.

50) Tony at work thinks he’s funny. He put locks on all of our water and soda bottles so we had to work a bit harder to get a drink.

Project 365, Days 63-68

Jan 19.jpg

Day 63, January 19, 2014: One of the joys of living on a farm in winter–mice sometimes find their way in the house. This is one of the precautionary traps I have set in the basement, just in case. Haven’t caught anything yet.

Jan 20.jpg

Day 64: The tool Greg needs to tune the piano arrived today, so Greg is happily learning how it works.

Jan 21.jpg

Day 65: This is the mess in my laundry room. All sorts of dirty barn clothes. I tripped over this lovely pile and ended up flat on my face.

Jan 22.jpg

Day 66: Blizzard got a haircut today. He’s all white and fluffy again. Janelle thought he needed something to help keep him warm since he has less fur than before, so she got him this pink sweatshirt.

Jan 23.jpg

Day 67: Why can’t dirty clothes end up in the hamper? Would it really be more difficult to drop them over a couple of inches?

Jan 24.jpg

Day 68: A cold, windy day. Our road is blowing shut. Hopefully a snowplow comes down the road soon, or we’ll be stranded.

Project 365, Days 51-62

Jan 7.jpg

Day 51, January 7: Blizzard got ahold of this ice cream bucket with a bit of leftover soup in it and carried it away to his favorite spot–under my bed.

Jan 8.jpg


Day 52:  I haven’t had a pic of Eric lately, so here’s one of him lounging around

Jan 9.jpg

Day 53: Yep. It’s still cold.

Jan 10.jpg


Day 54: The moon is rising

Jan 11.jpg


Day 55: Kaiser wants to come in. He always wants to come in.

Jan 12.jpg


Day 56: Blizzard is looking a little shaggy and dirty. I think it’s time for a haircut.

Jan 13.jpg

Day 57: Sunset

Jan 14.jpg


Day 58:  It’s not as cold, but now we’re having lots of snow.

Jan 15.jpg

Day 59: Still snowing

Jan 16.jpg

Day 60: I came home to find the piano opened up and Greg happily working on it. He’s trying to fix the broken keys and then he wants to tune it himself.

Jan 17.jpg

Day 61: Dinner tonight was seafood chowder. It was a hit with the family.

Jan 18.jpg

Day 62: What happens when I open a bag of candy that I intended to use in Spanish class? It all gets eaten long before Spanish class.

Project 365, Days 327-360

Day 327, October 13, 2013: Another beautiful sunset out here on the farm.
Day 328: Our car broke down on the way to church yesterday. Roland is trying to diagnose the problem and get it up and running again.
Day 329: I found a new bread recipe. 2 loaves of bread from start to finish in about an hour. I love it!
Day 330: My little helper
Day 331, October 17, 11 months done: Blizzard is a sneaky little dog sometimes. He’ll do anything to get our plates and bowls after we finish eating.
Day 332: Fall colors outside my bedroom window.
Day 333:  Greg’s soccer team finished second in an all day tournament on a cold Saturday. Greg liked to keep his hands in his pockets to keep them warm. I don’t know how he ran like that, but he managed.
Day 334: A foggy drive to church
Day 335: Greg’s last soccer game of his high school career.
Day 336:  The carrot crop from my garden. Everything is now harvested.
Day 337: Yummy fresh carrots. Greg did all the work cleaning them and cutting them up
Day 338: What to do with all those carrots? Freeze them for winter eating.
Day 339: Happy birthday to my 14 year old 🙂
Day 340: The Waupun Area Homeschool Soccer team
Day 341: Tonight’s dinner–Island grilled chicken with fresh carrots and watermelon
Day 342: Janelle decided to have some color added to her hair. The first step was to bleach her brown hair.
Day 343: OK, this one was taken the same day as yesterday’s photo. After the bleach, red was the color of choice.
Day 344: The finished product
Day 345: Dinner today was chorizo pepper shrimp
Day 346: I know Kaiser wants to come in, but does he really have to mess up the patio door in his efforts to enter?
Day 347: One of Janelle’s English Angora rabbits. We had to groom them–brush, cut nails, shave them. Angoras are a lot of work.
Day 348: Another Angora. This one is a boy.
Day 349: Josh fell asleep during the Packer game. I don’t know how he can do that, but he did.
Day 350: The red in Janelle’s hair faded very fast, so we decided to switch to blue.
Day 351: Roland’s real estate course arrived. Let the studying begin.
Day 352: I had to have part of my toenail removed because of an ingrown toenail. It didn’t hurt at all, until the stuff the Dr injected wore off. Advil has become my friend.
Day 353: There seems to be a little bit of rust in our water. Time to scrub the tub again.
Day 354: I went to McDonalds with 7 teenage girls while waiting for the movie Thor to start. They are an interesting group.
Day 355: Yep. Another sunset. I really like sunsets.
Day 356: November 11, first snow. It wasn’t much, but it was there. Yuck.
Day 357: Today was the perfect day for a big pot of chili
Day 358: Usually the dogs are to blame for mud on the floor. Today, it’s one of the guys. At least the guilty party cleaned it up.
Day 359: The car that Roland worked to repair totally died, so we decided it was time to invest in a new vehicle. It’s a 2004 Buick Rendevous and I love it.
Day 360: Happy 19th birthday, Eric

Project 365, Days 264-278

Day 264, August 11, 2013: Kaiser loves to sleep right in front of our door, sprawled out on his back.


Day 265: First day of VBS. Greg taught the Kindergartners

Day 266: Janelle was in the skits at VBS. On Tuesday, she needed a good bedhead look for her Princess character


Day 267: Wednesday brought a little sword fighting action to the VBS skits


Day 268: Greg with some of his class

Day 269: A happy ending to the week of skits.


Day 270, August 17, Month 9 complete: Fresh cantaloupe from my garden. Yum!!

Day 271: Almost 50 pounds of potatoes

Day 272: Homemade spaghetti sauce from our fresh tomatoes, onions, garlic and peppers

Day 273: I think I’ve shared this before, but it cracks me up every time. Kaiser crawls into the cage that is meant to keep him away from all our boots.

Day 274: Bird nest. Every year barn swallows build a nest here.

Day 275: Fresh salsa, also with ingredients fresh from the garden

Day 276: Our pears are also starting to ripen

Day 277: Greg played Captain Von Trapp in a local production of Sound of Music. This is him with the girl who played Maria. They did a great job.

Day 278: Another garden picture. 22 pounds of watermelon.








Project 365, Days 257-263

Day 257, August 4, 2013: The tomatoes are ripening very quickly now. Yea!!


Day 258: Our dragon for the VBS skits. It needs to be painted yet, but it’s almost ready


Day 259: Greg’s chickens are all washed and ready for the fair


Day 260: Greg won Poultry Showmanship, again 🙂


Day 261: Janelle and Blizzard were almost unbeatable at the dog show. Blizzard was reserve grand champion.


Day 262: The finished dragon head.


Day 263: Princesses in pajamas. Final practice for the VBS skits


Project 365, Days 181-187

May 17


Day 181, May 17, Month 6 done:  I can always tell when Eric goes to Pizza Ranch. He cleans out their mint supply 🙂

May 18


Day 182: Greg and Janelle had their recital today. Greg played piano and Janelle played both piano and violin. They both did an excellent job

May 19


Day 183: Our apple tree has flowers on it this year. Hopefully ,we’ll have a great apple crop in the fall.

May 20


Day 184:  Monday night is softball night. Notice,  I actually made it onto first base 🙂

May 21



Day 185: Greg bought himself an organ

May 22


Day 186: Tonight’s dinner was Chorizo pepper shrimp. Very yummy

May 23


Day 187: Eric’s last home game as a member of the Fond du Lac Stoutmen rugby team. This game was a tournament playoff game to determine their seeding at state next week. They lost, so they’ll be playing in the bottom bracket, for places 5-8.

Project 365, Days 166-176

May 2
Day 166, May 2:  Strawberries are planted now that the weather has warmed up a bit. Hopefully it stays warm.
May 3
Day 167: The warm weather didn’t last. We had to work at a brat fry fundraiser for the soccer team. Greg got the job of being out in the cold and rain grilling the brats and burgers.
May 4
Day 168: Mt Dew cupcakes
May 5
Day 169: Greg was cooking and the potholder on the right stuck to the bottom of his pan. He didn’t realize it, put the pan on the stove and burned the potholder.
May 6
Day 170: What happens when you try to catch a softball with the wrong hand? You get a bruised hand. Maybe this will help me remember to use the hand with the glove.
May 7
Day 171:  When Blizzard wants to go by Janelle in her room, he doesn’t make any noise. He just sits outside her bedroom door and waits for somebody to notice him.
May 8
Day 172:  Lake Winnebago. I had some time while waiting for Janelle at gymnastics, so I went for a walk through the park.
May 9
Day 173: Greg was feeling creative and made a batch of pretzel rolls. Yummy!
May 10
Day 174: Some of Janelle’s awesome artwork
May 11
Day 175: Mother’s Day roses
May 12
Day 176:  One of my Mother’s Day gifts–a set of Star Trek DVDs. Over 10 hours of  Star Trek 🙂