About Me

My name is Mary and I live in Wisconsin.  My husband and I have three adult children, ages 18, 21, and 23. All of our children were homeschooled and the the youngest still is. She’s a senior this year and is looking forward to “adulting”. The other two, both boys, are out of the house, one working and renting an apartment here in our town and the other heading to Chicago for college. I enjoy reading, cooking, knitting and doing cross stitch. In the last couple of years my husband and I have started camping (in a tent), and enjoy vising various parks and campgrounds around the state. I also love watching the Green Bay Packers.

I just turned 50, and that fact, along with the realization that we are soon going to be empty nesters, prompted me to restart my blog. I have also set a few bucket list goals to the second half of my life. One: I want to visit every one of the 50 states. Not just pass through the airport or drive across part of it. In order to count towards my goal, I have to stop at least once in the state long enough to get a photo. I am going to allow some of the states I have already visited to count towards my goal. Two: I want to visit every one of the state parks in Wisconsin. And, again, I will allow the state parks I have visited recently to count towards my goal, as long as I have a photo or two to document that I was there. Three: start doing daily photo challenges again. I started doing Project 365 again on my birthday.

This blog is going to serve several purposes. First, it will be a place to post my photo challenge pictures, to keep me accountable. Second, I will use it to record my progress on my travel bucket list goals. During the next few weeks, I will post photos of the states and state parks I have already been to. And third, I will record anything else that I find to be “blog-worthy” in my life.

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