Project 365, Days 264-278

Day 264, August 11, 2013: Kaiser loves to sleep right in front of our door, sprawled out on his back.


Day 265: First day of VBS. Greg taught the Kindergartners

Day 266: Janelle was in the skits at VBS. On Tuesday, she needed a good bedhead look for her Princess character


Day 267: Wednesday brought a little sword fighting action to the VBS skits


Day 268: Greg with some of his class

Day 269: A happy ending to the week of skits.


Day 270, August 17, Month 9 complete: Fresh cantaloupe from my garden. Yum!!

Day 271: Almost 50 pounds of potatoes

Day 272: Homemade spaghetti sauce from our fresh tomatoes, onions, garlic and peppers

Day 273: I think I’ve shared this before, but it cracks me up every time. Kaiser crawls into the cage that is meant to keep him away from all our boots.

Day 274: Bird nest. Every year barn swallows build a nest here.

Day 275: Fresh salsa, also with ingredients fresh from the garden

Day 276: Our pears are also starting to ripen

Day 277: Greg played Captain Von Trapp in a local production of Sound of Music. This is him with the girl who played Maria. They did a great job.

Day 278: Another garden picture. 22 pounds of watermelon.








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